Thursday, January 30, 2020

Here are a few pieces that I am proud of.


An Introduction to Me and My Blog

My name is Adam and I am working towards becoming a successful storyboard artist. Throughout my life I have been inspired by countless artists including animators, cartoonists, and even many musicians. What I enjoy most is drawing cartoons inspired by artists like Bill Watterson and shows such as the ones created by Hanna Barbera. As a child, I drew as much as I could, and I still continue to learn and grow my talents in the hopes that I will be able to work within the animation industry. When I'm not pointing my creativity towards my artworks, I am using it to create music. Whenever I am stuck or burnt out, music is my outlet that allows me to keep stress-free and still do something artistically productive. In this blog, I will be posting my constant progression as an artist. All I wish to do is keep art as a major part of my life and to someday be able to live off of the success of my creations.